The story of Rock Club World™

Rock Club World™ is the creation of Jade Marsh, a Crystal Energy Healer and Law of Attraction Life Coach living in bonnie Scotland.

Jade has a passion for crystals and has over a decade of experience working with them. She offers crystal healing sessions and conducts fun, informative workshops and courses at Spirit Crystal Academy.

Ever since she was a child, Jade has been captivated by the sparkle and energy of crystals. This lifelong passion inspired her to share their magic with others, especially children. She wanted to help them discover how these natural wonders could improve their lives in so many ways.

ibiza rock club

And so in 2018, whilst living in Ibiza, she started Ibiza Rock Club, where kids learn all about the enchanting world of crystals.

Not long after creating Ibiza Rock Club, Jade had a vision of starting a global network of Rock Clubs. These clubs would be fun and educational places where kids could learn about crystal healing and how to use crystals in their daily lives.

crystal healing teachers

Jade began developing the Rock Club World™ Teacher Training program in 2021. This program helps others learn how to teach the magic of crystals, spreading the joy and knowledge far and wide.

Some of Jade's crystal healing students jumped on board, launching their own Rock Clubs to share crystal healing magic for children.

This is a photo of Jade Marsh teaching children about crystals in Ibiza Rock Club.

crystal healing for kids

Rock Clubs are now happening in Glastonbury, Aberdeen, Ibiza, London, South London, Scotland, Manchester, Kent, Madrid, and Amsterdam.

Each Rock Club offers fun and educational crystal healing workshops for kids. Children learn how to feel and direct energy, balance their own energy with crystals, and discover how their words and thoughts can positively affect the world around them.

But Rock Club World™ isn’t just about crystals. The workshops also cover cool topics like the Law of Attraction, meditation, mindfulness, consciousness, earth healing, kindness, and gratitude.

Children learn how to harness their own inner power and use it to create positive change in their lives and the world around them.

crystal healing for kids blog

In 2024, Jade took Rock Club World even further by launching the Rock Club World™ Blog. This fun and informative online platform is full of sparkly tips and crystal healing magic, providing an extra resource for kids and parents alike.

The blog continues the mission of Rock Club World™ by sharing accessible information and inspiration about the magical world of crystals.

This is a photo of Teodora of London Rock Club teaching children about crystals.

conscious kids

At Rock Club World™, our mission is to empower kids with the magic of crystals, showing them how to unleash their own healing superpowers.

As we move into a new era of higher consciousness, these little changemakers are the pioneers of a brighter, more enlightened future. They are the ones who will lead us into a world filled with love, compassion, and understanding.

crystal healing teachers

Our amazing Rock Club World™ teachers encourage qualities like love, compassion, honesty, and self-expression. They are dedicated to helping each child discover their unique potential and guiding them on a path of self-discovery and empowerment.

These young pioneers are learning not just about crystals - they are being equipped with the knowledge and tools to make a real difference in the world, spreading positive energy wherever they go.

This is a photo of Deborah of Lothian and Borders Rock Club hosting a Rock Club crystal birthday event.

crystal mission

Here at Rock Club World™ we want to bring the magic of crystals to children everywhere, helping them connect with and care for Mother Earth.

From exciting new workshops, a crystal healing podcast, to crystal birthdays, free online workshops, and special events, there’s always something magical happening at Rock Club World™!

crystal membership club for kids

Our Rock Club World™ Crystal Membership Club will be launching later this year, offering exclusive content, activities, and monthly meditations for children.

This club will provide ongoing support and inspiration, helping kids continue their crystal healing adventures and deepen their understanding of crystal magic.

join the rock club world™ movement

If you’d like to discover how you can join in the crystal magic and be part of this movement, drop us a message. We’d love to hear from you and welcome you to our sparkly community.

Let’s spread the magic of crystals together and create a brighter future for all!

This is a photo of Jade Marsh teaching children about crystals in Ibiza Rock Club.